A Look in to the roots (causes) of food insecurity in Kenya
There have been many causes for the lack of food security in Kenya to date. Currently at least 25% of Kenyans are classified as food insecure. In as recent as 2009, a large contributing factor has been the weather; lack of the usual rains has caused drought, which has severely affected crop output and forced greater dependence on outside aid. Kenya’s inability to adapt to the changing and unpredictable climate has left it susceptible to a food crisis.
Additionally, the poor management of the agricultural sector of the economy by the government has also contributed to the lack of food security. The government has contributed to the lack of food security in more than just mismanagement of policies. They have left farmers without access to credit or education on better farming techniques. The corruption in the government has also added to the lack of food security for the people as officials have taken foreign aid for themselves, as well as having depleted their own grain reserve. The government’s lack of interest in building a solid infrastructure for Kenya has also contributed to the lack of food security as food cannot be easily moved from one place to another, not to mention that needed tools and resources for farmers are hard to get to their lands with such poor roads.
Instability in the population has also caused food insecurity. The post election violence in 2007/ 2008 displaced many farmers and thus decreased food output. Along with violence that has displaced people, flooding in many regions has also disrupted crop output as well and forcing people to move. Slowly people move back to their land and continue farming but the disruptions and instability continue to cause uncertainty in the food market.
Another cause of food insecurity is the land. The landscape in Kenya is not suitable for farming. The arid ground has caused farmers to not be able to farm or to try and farm in less than ideal circumstances. Along with a lack of good farming land, land disputes have long impacted the agriculture industry in Kenya. With constant fighting and debate about land lines and tribal and other boundaries it has created an unstable environment in which farmers do not want to invest in land that may soon be taken away in a dispute.
Also contributing to the food insecurity is an increase in food price of staple items. Maize is a huge staple item in the urban areas of Kenya. Kenya has recently seen a 70% increase in price of maize and there is no indication of the price lowering in the near future. This spike in prices was in part caused by a contamination that destroyed more than half of the 2009 crop supply. This has caused Kenyans to spend over half of their income on food, at times even reaching as much as ¾ of a families budget.
All other factors aside, a huge cause of food insecurity is the increased demand by a continually growing population. Simply put, the population is growing faster than the local farmers and international aid organizations can get food into the hands of the growing number of people who need it.
There are many consequences to the Kenya population due to constant food insecurity. The over all health of the population is affected. Health effects are many and are not limited to: malnutrition, developmental delays, death, cognitive delays, and a lack of ability to focus and learn in school. There are other negative impacts of food insecurity. Parents and children living under constant stress and worry about where food will come from causing deficient immune systems. Parents and caretakers also struggle with a feeling of failure because they can’t provide the basic necessities of life to their families, leading to a lack of confidence and a culture of dependence on aid from others.
As you can see below malnutrition is a complex web contributes to a number of other consequences for a person life.
I was also going to create a problem tree here so that you all could see the causes and consequences of food insecurity but as I cannot do that currently I will just list the as such.
Lack of water
Arid land
Poor farming techniques
Government corruption in distribution of aid
Lack of money to buy food
Rising cost of food
Land disputes
Poor Infrastructure
Government Policy
Dependence on outside organizations
Inconsistent wether
The above causes food insecurity which leads to below.
Developmental delays
Cognitive delays
Inability to mentally focus
Living in constant stress and uncertainty
Dependence on outside sources of aid --> Lack of confidence in ones abilities to provide
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